Unbound Physical Therapy

PT that goes beyond rehab.

Specialty PT, for your unique needs .

At Unbound PT you work with a Doctor of Physical therapy, one-on-one. No assistants or techs ever.
Your first visit includes a thorough evaluation to determine not only what is injured, but why it got that way in the first place. Each treatment session is 55min of individualized care, tailored to your needs and your goals. Treatments can include corrective exercise, neuromuscular reeducation, dry needling and neuromodulation, and hands-on/manual therapy. Your DPT will educate you on strategies to manage and improve your symptoms at home, so that your therapy continues even when you leave the clinic. The office is a calm, and welcoming space where you can focus on your healing.

What makes Unbound PT different?

To provide physical therapy care that goes
above and beyond traditional PT, we believe in

-Getting to the root "why” of your injury, not just the “what”

-Treating each patient as a whole person, not as a body part

-Guiding patients in making functional life change,
with the goal to not just get better, but to stay better

-Empowering through education.
You should be an expert on you!

Contact us to setup a free 15min phone consultation, or new patient evaluation,
to learn how Unbound Physical Therapy can help you today!